Learn to take everything positively.

Things will fall in their right places at the right time, but the right time will not come if we don’t give efforts to push things to get near their right places.

Life is a matter of choice! Our greatest ability: the power to choose. God provided us with the cards of life, and it is our choice how we are going to deal with these life cards. There are choices that we may consider major or presume to be minor, still no choice can be considered insignificant — for it will define the quality of life we will have.

Depending on the choices we make; the acts we do — our lives can either be creative or destructive, successful or failure, happy or sad, truthful or dishonest — we are responsible for our lives!

Now is not forever.

Think about how good it will feel when it stops hurting…

Whether it was the pain of a broken heart or the misery of drawn-out illness, always remind yourself: Now is not forever.

God has something good planned for us. Suffering was not a part of His original act of creation, but it serves as a temporary reminder of what happens in a world where God’s order has been broken. Although we cannot avoid pain and disappointment, we know that it’s only temporary.

“There will be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away…” (Revelation 21:4)


In this world, anything is possible.

A lot of possible things could happen to you in a day, in an hour, in a minute, even in a split second. Good or bad. Happy or sad. We’ll never know.

It’s how we accept those things, those possible things that could happen in our lives. Of course we are not bound to be ready for it. Things happen when we least expect it. Regardless how it affects us, we should accept it, no matter how hard or easy it might be, because things that happen to us could also change us, for the better, not for the worse.

It’s about learning. Learning in a manner of not holding back anything that won’t allow or even prevent you to grow or mature, but learning to accept new things, new experiences, new challenges; without losing yourself.

These possible things happen regularly in our lives. And the next thing we know, it changes what we were used to; change is, the constant thing on earth. And with all the possible changes in our lives, we should learn to embrace it, regardless.

Some of us would be in denial of the things that might happen, because, we don’t like it, we don’t want it, because we fear of the possible changes, we fear getting hurt, feeling pain, starting all over again and that things wouldn’t be the same like what we’re used to. Some of us think that change won’t be easy, but it’s the easiest step after all. It takes courage, strength and trust.

GOD doesn’t have any plans of hurting us, regardless of the possible changes that might occur in our lives. But I believe, HE expects us to learn from it, grow from it and nurture all possible things that could happen in our lives. Trust and believe that everything happens for a reason.

“God is our refuge and strength..” (Psalm 46:1)